It's beginning to look a lot like resolution time. How many of you have decided to stop this or that starting January 1? How many of you have decided to start this or stop that but with this exception or that one?
I've done it so many times that years ago...I stopped making resolutions altogether.
My mother used to make new years resolutions that instead of giving up something, she would be giving something. Give more time, more compliments, more back to those less fortunate. More hugs, more I love you's, make more memories.
I liked that she would do that, but I kind of remember her saying what her more would be and then I don't really recall the follow through. It doesn't mean she didn't, it just either means she didn't or it became the norm for us so over time, it went unnoticed. Maybe I should notice more this year, I think as I write this.
I noticed a lot of the shit storm that happened this year. I noticed it raining down some days. And some days I just knew it was there but I chose not to give it attention.
I was just out throwing the ball for our dogs when suddenly I heard myself saying to myself, stop talking about the shit storm that was the storm that shakes up 2025. Do the shit, Hadley. Make it happen. Write down what I want as a human, a woman, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend. Write down what we want as a couple, as friends, and as family. Write down the goals as an entrepreneur, as an achiever, and as an author.
So here goes:
I want to show up.
I want to show up for myself, for them, for us.
I want to show up for my clients, for a successful business, for my team.
I want to show up for book readings and keynote speeches.
I want to make a goal each day and accomplish it.
I want to make a goal each week and accomplish it.
I want to make a goal for each month, quarter and end of year and accomplish it.
And how will I do it? By making it possible. By finding the way. By showing the F up.
How about you? Use this as your goal setting platform. Share it with yourself by sharing it with me.
My wish for you is that your actions are intentional, your goals are achievable and your outcome is possible!
I’m going to get a new home in 2025 with my husband! And I’m going to make more calls for new business!